Archive pour le Tag 'Nat King Cole'

I’d Rather have The Blues / Nat King Cole

The night is mighty chilly
And conversation seems pretty silly
I feel so mean and rot
I’d rather have the blues than what I’ve got

The room is dark and gloomy
You don’t know what you’re doing to me
The web has got me caught
I’d rather have the blues than what I’ve got

All night I walk the city
Watching the people go by
I try to sing a little ditty
But all that comes out is a sigh

The street looks very frightening
The rain begins and then comes lightning
It seems love’s gone to pot
I’d rather have the blues than what I’ve got

All night I walk the city
Watching the people go by
I try to sing a little ditty
But all that comes out is a sigh

The wind is blowing colder
It looks like love is stale and older
My luck don’t look so hot
I’d rather have the blues than what I’ve got
Nat King Cole
I’d Rather have The Blues

Photo : Kiss Me Deadly / Robert Aldrich / 1955
I'd Rather have The Blues / Nat King Cole dans Cinéma kiss-me-deadly2

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