Archive pour le Tag 'humain trop humain'

Le Voyageur / Richard Pinhas, Gilles Deleuze, Friedrich Nietzsche

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Le Voyageur
music by Schizo
Richard Pinhas – guitar
and Gilles Deleuze – voice

Nietzsche writing recited by Deleuze :
« He who has attained the freedom of reason to any extent cannot, for a long time, regard himself otherwise than as a wanderer on the face of the earth – and not even as a traveller towards a final goal, for there is no such thing. But he certainly wants to observe and keep his eyes open to whatever actually happens in the world ; therefore he cannot attach his heart too firmly to anything individual ; he must have in himself something wandering that takes pleasure in change and transitoriness. »
From The Wanderer, in the first volume of Nietzsche’s Human, All Too Human.
Full line up of musicians :
- Richard Pinhas / AKS synthesizers, 1957 Gibson Les Paul guitar
- George Grunblatt / VCS3 synthesizers
- Patrick Gauthier / piano, VCS3 synthesizers
- Coco Roussel / drums
- Pierrot Roussel / bass guitar
- Gilles Deleuze / vocals

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